Why burn?
Prescribed burning can be defined as the thoughtful and skillful application of fire to a specific site under selected weather conditions to accomplish specific land management objectives. Prescribed burning is one of the most cost effective methods for managing plant communities and controlling natural succession.
It can be used to reduce the invasion of woody growth in prairie and savanna habitats; control the spread of exotic and aggressive plants; remove thick litter layer accumulations that can inhibit wildlife mobility or smother the growth of beneficial grasses, forbs and legumes; stimulate the germination of beneficial plants like wildflowers through seed scarification (breaking down of the seed coat); and reduce the accumulation of hazardous fuel loads;
Prescribed burns differ greatly from wildfires. Wildfires are accidental and uncontrolled. They threaten lives and property and can do great harm. Prescribed burns, on the other hand, are set intentionally after considering the safety of people and property. Prescribed burns are planned to achieve specific objectives in a specific area under specific weather conditions and at the right time of year. Fire control equipment and fire crews, as well as the use of natural or manmade barriers, are used to keep the fire under control.