Information for Landowners
Prescribed burning is a necessary tool in maintaining the health of tallgrass prairies and savannas. Unfortunately, the cost of hiring a prescribed burn consultant for small prairie sites (< 1 ha) has become prohibitive.
The goal of this site is to provide background information, resources and online tools to help landowners conduct their own small prescribed burns that are less than 1 hectare in size.

Prescribed burning has been used as a tool throughout history. First Nations used fire to maintain clearings and encourage the growth of plants for later harvest. Farmers have used fire to revitalize pasture, aid in crop harvest, and maintain fencerows and ditch banks.
Forest managers have used prescribed burning to reduce hazardous fuel loads and encourage the growth of preferred tree species, and naturalists have used it to maintain natural communities such as prairies and savannas. Wildlife managers, as well, have utilized prescribed burning to maintain early successional habitats for a wide variety of wildlife species. Prescribed burning can be a very useful, cost-effective and safe tool when properly planned and implemented.